La fabbrica dei simulacri · 2011-05-25 by mmzz
La prossima volta che farò fatica a spiegare cosa intendo per codice, porterò questo esempio:
Programma dell’intelligence USA: mappare tutte le metafore usate nel mondo.
Scopo? Orientare le credenze e naturalizzare i comportamenti voluti accedendo al senso comune.
Cito dalla sezione “Background”:
Metaphors shape how people think about complex topics and can influence beliefs. – Metaphors can reduce the complexity of meaning associated with a topic by capturing or expressing patterns. – Metaphors are associated with affect; affect influences behavior. – Research on metaphors has uncovered inferred meanings and worldviews of particular groups or individuals: Characterization of disparities in social issues and contrasting political goals; exposure of inclusion and exclusion of social and political groups; understanding of psychological problems and conflicts.Dal sito del public procurement governativo USA
(via Wired).